Sunday, November 13, 2011

Little Britches

I should start by saying two things. First, I started a blog a couple of years ago, but for some reason I can no longer access it. This is sad in itself because I really loved that blog. Second, my husband and I are expecting a tiny munchkin on May 9th. We are extremely excited for this new addition to arrive in 6 months. We will find out if it is a boy or a girl on December 6th. Not knowing this vital piece of information certainly did not stop me from going to the Little Britches Consignment Sale on Friday and purchasing three armloads of amazing things for my little bumble baby. 
Now before you go thinking this was some leisurely stroll through the aisles, browsing everything and inspecting each item carefully, let me tell you otherwise. I arrived at the volunteer pre-sale about 15 minutes early. I was fortunate enough to receive this privilege by volunteering a mere four hours of my Saturday morning, half of which would normally be spent sleeping. When I arrived at the pre-sale, the line was only about 10 people long. I noticed most women brought their own reusable shopping bags, but a few went so far as to bring LAUNDRY baskets and empty strollers as if they were shopping carts. I was starting to feel like the ultimate newbie. I spoke to a lady and her daughter while we waited. It was their first Little Britches sale as well which was comforting. 
When they finally let us in, everyone rushed politely to the front door. I had no idea which direction I was going to go once I got inside, so I ended up using my instinct and went to the right. Immediately, I saw bouncers, strollers, cribs. BINGO! Just the things I was looking for. I noticed a bouncer in the corner, but before I could get to it, an Asian couple started checking it out. I politely looked at other things while they looked at that prized item. Wrong decision. As soon as they walked away, this woman came out of nowhere and starts pushing on it, wiggling the toys, turning it upside down and shaking it about. Then walks off with it. "BITCH!" I thought. I wanted that bouncer! At that moment, my game face was on. No more being polite. I realized these volunteers were seasoned vets, and this was a recurring war for the best deal and nicest items. I rushed about like a mad woman. I didn't have a shopping cart, AKA stroller, and I managed to forget my reusable shopping bags by the front door at home. This meant I had to bounce back and forth between the shopping floor and the hold area. I zipped back and forth across the sales floor until I reached my spending limit... Or so I thought. 
I may have gone a few dollars over... like 28 dollars over. I justified this increase with how great of a deal I was getting. Do you know how much baby stuff costs these days?!?! So what did I get for $128 at this giant cut-throat garage sale? I walked away with a Baby Bjorn carrier ($25), a Fisher Price swing ($20), Fisher Price mobile ($10), infant-toddler bath tub (in original box, $10), baby contour sleep pad (in original box, $10), classic Winnie the Pooh woven blanket ($20), 10 onesies, 3 sleepers, one sleep sack (brand new), and 10 books. That's crazy right? It took two trips for me to get it all in the car. Not only that, but I had to disassemble the swing in order for it all to fit! I was ecstatic. That is until I thought about getting home and explaining the costs to my dear husband, Zach, but that is another story altogether. I can't wait for the next sale in 6 months!

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